This dialog may appear for the following reasons:
Reason: Your subscription or maintenance has lapsed.
Solution: Contact your account manager to check what subscription you currently have, or to explore options.
Reason: You are running workflows from an environment your organization is not licensed for. Different licensing applies to on-prem vs SaaS Workflow, and to running workflows in VertiGIS Studio viewers vs in Esri's Web AppBuilder. Your organization might be licensed for only some, or for all of the above.
Solution: See the Workflow license information article for more information. Contact your account manager to check what subscription you currently have, or to explore options.
Reason: If you are using the SaaS designer at https://apps.vertigisstudio.com/workflow/designer (rather than an on-prem installation of Workflow), your Workflow license is tied to the organization associated with your VertiGIS account, which in turn is linked to an AGOL account. It's possible the AGOL account you use to sign into Workflow Designer is not linked to the correct VertiGIS account that is from an organization with an active license.
Solution: Visit the My Account Maintenance page and follow the instructions to link, change, or re-link your AGOL account. If any corrections are made, login to Workflow Designer and re-save your workflow before re-testing
Reason: If a workflow or report was created by the Professional Services group at VertiGIS, the license associated with the workflow will initially be a VertiGIS license. This would also apply to workflows/reports created by an implementer or workflows/reports obtained from any other user.
Solution: To update the license to your own organization, load the workflow/report in the designer and save it. This will add your license to the workflow/report and replace the existing license code.
If the workflow was designed/saved from an on-premises version of Workflow installed on your server, rather than from the SaaS designer at https://apps.vertigisstudio.com/workflow/designer, then the following may also apply:
Reason: VertiGIS Studio Workflow was previously activated offline, and the "valid until" date from that activation has expired.
Solution: Run the VertiGIS Studio Workflow post installer on the server where workflow is installed, and check the status on the Licensing page. If the post installer reports that Workflow is not licensed, then contact customerservice-ca@vertigis.com or the VertiGIS Studio reseller in your country to request the updated key code, or try performing an online activation instead.
- Note- An online activation requires that your ArcGIS Online account is linked to your Geocortex account through the My Account Maintenance page.
Reason: An older version of VertiGIS Studio Workflow is installed, and that version is affected by a licensing bug. In particular, version 5.13 has a fix for a license issue caused by using one of the offline activation key methods available in the post installer. Version 5.11.1 has a fix for an issue that prevented previously-elapsed licenses from being correctly renewed through the post installer.
Solution: Update VertiGIS Studio Workflow to the latest version. Refer to this article for links to the current download site.
Reason: If only certain users or certain devices encounter the licensing message, then it's possible their device isn't able to make requests to the server where Workflow is installed. When running workflows from a viewer, a request is sent back to the workflow server to check the license. If that request can't be made because the workflow server is in a dev or internal-only environment, then some users may receive the licensing warning when running workflows.
Solution: Confirm your VertiGIS Studio Workflow server is accessible to the end-users running the workflow. A good test is to check if their device can reach your Workflow Designer URL. If they cannot reach this URL and they are not within your internal network, consider installing VertiGIS Studio Workflow on an externally accessible server, or working with your IT team to make your existing workflow server externally accessible.
- Note- If you change your Workflow installation to a new server, then re-open and re-save your workflows from the new Workflow Designer to update their license information.
If these steps do not resolve the issue, please submit a ticket using the Community or contact the VertiGIS Studio reseller in your country and we will investigate further.
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