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Using VertiGIS Report hosted in Enterprise Portal for ArcGIS Online app


1 comment

  • Gareth Evans

    Hi Laura Eng I'm assuming you're referring to a WAB app in AGOL. The answer is no, you can't consume portal-published content in AGOL because of design decisions by Esri in AGOL. In the same way you can't choose a webmap from Portal in AGOL, you can't consume a portal-published report item in an AGOL application.

    You'll need to get that report item into AGOL to consume it, and you'll need VSR designer authenticating with AGOL to manage it. I'd suggest:

    • in your VSR designer, export the report to JSON form
    • import it to AGOL: using SaaS VSRĀ  or by reconfiguring your on-prem VSR to use AGOL as an identity source