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Using .includes() or .indexOf() in Workflows for VSM



  • Gareth Evans

    Much appreciated, Randy!

  • Zack Robison

    Thanks Randy.  FWIW, and this may be less of a surprise, I've found that Server Workflows encounter something similar.  It's been a bit since I've bumped into it but I'm pretty sure that the Array arrow functions made WF angry.  Pretty sure I ended up rewriting some loops into my WFs last time, I'll note to give the .NET a try.

  • Ken Lyon

    Zack Robison Workflows run via Workflow Server will have the same complications because like VSM, it's also running in .NET, not TypeScript.

  • Zack Robison

    I figured that was the case for Server, but honestly was a little surprised to hear that about Mobile (even though I'm pretty sure Tom has told me as much in the past... it'll stick one of these days I'm sure).

  • Randy Casey

    Thanks for the heads up Zack Robison & Ken Lyon regarding Workflow Server. I haven't had any projects that required Workflow Server, yet, but I am taking note...
