Is feature X that was in GVH available in VSW yet?
Pinned FeaturedA common (and completely fair) question when looking at VertiGIS Studio Web is trying to understand if a feature that existed in the Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 (GVH) already exists in VertiGIS Studio Web (VSW).
In a recent show-and-tell webinar I presented some information on how to begin thinking about the transition from GVH to VSW and how to get ready for it.
During that presentation I shared a not-pretty-but-effective spreadsheet matrix that I keep up to date that helps map functionality between the two products.
At a minimum this view will help you understand if something already exists, and if I've indicated it does, then you can ask additional questions about how to access that functionality if it isn't immediately obvious in Designer.
Questions and comments are always welcome, that is the purpose of this community forum!
Items in yellow are new in the latest version.
Updated to reflect the release of VertiGIS Studio Web 5.22
@Shawn Roberts? @Ted Cronin?
You can use the link above to access the matrix, I will update the content on each release and post something here letting you know that it has been updated so if you reply to this you should get a notification when I update it.
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Thanks Cam
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(replying for future notification)
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Great resource - thanks!
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Great resource - thanks guys!
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Thanks Cam, this is very helpful!
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Thanks Cam, very helpful!
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Hi everyone - with the release of 5.8 the matrix PDF linked to by the original post has been updated to show a few new areas covered off related to file-based upload of data to the map. Be sure to check out the complete release notes there are some very cool new features that aren't represented by this feature matrix (because they didn't exist in GVH).
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Cam -
This is the first that I've seen 'GXS' - is that a new item?
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@Eric Herbert? ... no official name yet but we are working on a 5-Series capability product that replaces and improves upon the "Instant Search" functionality within GE/GVH. In short, it pre-indexes data and performs searches against that index to ensure near-instant results even against very large data sets. This new capability is in the active development phase, but we don't have a clear release date yet.
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Hello everyone - Geocortex Web 5.9 release today - the linked PDF matrix has been updated for you.
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5.9.1 was a hotfix release to address a single bug.
The bug was causing Designer to write an invalid layerListSetting object, but only for ArcGISTiledImageServiceLayer types.
It warranted a hot fix as opening and saving an existing app with these layer types could write invalid configuration that might cause the app not to load.
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Geocortex Web 5.10 has been released. The PDF referenced by the link in this article with the feature matrix now shows 5.10 functionality. Deltas between 5.9 and 5.10 are highlighted in yellow.
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Thank you.
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What do the yellow boxes mean, and how many on this list will be checked off with the new Web coming in 2 days.
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@Ted Cronin?
Items in yellow are new since the last matrix published (in this case new from 5.9 to 5.10).
In the next matrix (done but not yet uploaded until Wednesday) there are about another 5 things done. One of the larger features in 5.11 is a new layer comparison analysis tool (Esri swipe tool with some additions).
Let me know if there are things you are specifically looking for and I can get you some sense of how soon or not they may be.
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I saw your road ahead. Looking forward to Wednesday.
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I will let you know, I am a beginner with GE, we are about finished implementing it, and I will start soon thereafter replacing it with Web, so when everything is ported It will finish faster rather than waiting until everything is ported to start, at least that is my plan.
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Hello everyone - the PDF linked in this article has been updated to show the latest 5.11 version.
The updates seemed (to me) to be a bit light this time so I wanted to let you know there are several things in progress or nearing completion that you will be seeing soon.
Layer Catalog
URL parameters enabling sharing link creation
Remainder of feature clustering (supporting Esri's configured cluster popup)
Layer transparency control in Layer List
Save Project MVP
Edit Geometry UX > leading to edit redline, measurment, and feature editing
User/Group based UI filtering/hiding of components and menu items
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are there any public facing sites that are using Geocortex Web out there so I can have a peek at the look and feel of a real GXW site in all it's glory!
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Markup / Drawing > Extract markup to Shapefile
Can you do this in Web 5.11? According to the matrix you can but I cannot see where.
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@Peter MacKenzie? I'll dig into that for your today. It may have been mistakenly checked when we added the ability to extract feature results to Shapefile, or it may be there and I need to find it for you. :) -Cam
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@Peter MacKenzie? You are 100% correct. That feature is not there yet. We have the ability to download point/line/polygon results to shapefiles, and to upload shapefiles as user added layers. We haven't yet added a tool for downloading markup to a shapefile. I'll update the matrix I'm building for the upcoming 5.12 release to reflect that. So the good news is 'you are correct', the bad news is 'you can't do that yet'.
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Sounds like the bad news is there is no good news 😃. Get coding dudes, we look forward to this feature! 🙏
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Hi Cam!
I see "Choose identifiable layers" is listed as available for GXW in your matrix. Is this from an admin or user perspective? I want to give the user the option to disable/enable the identify tool on layers he may or may not be interested in. Is this possible in GXW? Haven't found a way to do this yet...
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@Wout Peters? Correct ... the current functionality for whether a layer should participate in search or identify is set by the application creator.
The end-user does have some control over this, but not in the same way. If a layer is turned off in the layer list, it will not return results for search or identify.
I'm not sure we've ever given end-users the ability to 'see but not identify' or 'see but not search' on layers directly once the application has been built.
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Thanks for your quick response, @Cam Barnard? !
So something like the 'Identifiable Layers' button in the default Identify tool of GVH is not on the radar of GXW at this point?
Is there a way to toggle identify on/off for a layer using Geocortex Workflow?
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@Wout Peters? I'm sure we will get to it at some point, but it isn't on the shot-term roadmap view. Feel free to send me an e-mail with the use case for your customer, I'd be interested to hear more about how this particular feature is used in your applications.
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Greetings everyone. If you haven't already 'discovered' it, the linked feature matrix has been updated to reflex the features now available as of the 5.12 release.