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Support High Availability for 5 series products



  • Permanently deleted user

    Agree with this strongly, we think HA is critical and it;s disappointing to not see it on the road map. In addition to the obvious benefits of scaling and resilience we find it very useful for keeping up with patches and updates. Take a node offline, patch etc with no downtime or need to schedule outages.

  • K L

    A quick and easy recovery option for workflow 5, reporting 5 and printing 5 where the data folder is on 1 place stored on a single machine.

    This in alignment with ArcGIS enterprise backup.

  • Kevin Rathgeber

    Another vote for having this. Please include HA for all series 5 components. If the software is ever to be considered Enterprise level software it needs to be able to support this. Many companies employ HA in various forms - please don't ignore us or have us do painful workarounds just to incorporate with our existing architectures.

  • Kevin Rathgeber

    Please add this.....I know the current workaround it to configure sessions to persist to a single server but this is merely a workaround prone to problems. As another user mentioned, if you want the software to be considered Enterprise level this is mandatory.
