File attachments not shown/available in community posts
When viewing posts in the community, I have found that file attachments that were present in the old Geocortex Community posts are not shown or available in the VertiGIS community posts. For instance, this post:
How to highlight a feature in Mobile from a workflow – VertiGIS
Refers to an attached Workflow that shows how to perform the action in question, but there is no attachments that I can find on the page. If I go to the same post in the old Geocortex Community site, the attachments are there:
How to highlight a feature in Mobile from a workflow (
In instances like this, the attachments are critical to resolving issues. Can you please make this an update request for the VertiGIS community site? Thank you.
Hi Randy
I'd agree that attachments, particularly around custom workflows, are valuable for some questions.
My understanding is that these attachments were not migrated from the old community due to the amount of work to extract them out of the previous Salesforce community and match them with each post on the new Zendesk community. I'm not aware of any plans to do this.
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