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Allow Filtering by 'Category' within the 'Add Layer' Widget



  • Cam Barnard

    Hi Justin ... what version of Web are you running? The 5.20 release included some improved filtering tools including tags and admin-defined categories. This isn't the same a 'browsing a list' of layers which is more what I think you are after, but is about as far as we could take it while working with Esri's interface without creating a new (redundant) configuration structure that is a list of portal items. 

  • Justin Rich

    We are currently running the 5.20 release. ‘Browse a list’ I think gets at what I was suggesting. ‘Browse a hierarchy’ might be more accurate. Giving users the ability to drill-down to what they were looking for even if they didn’t know exactly what they were looking for. In our Essentials viewers we did this using a ‘Layer Catalog’ and organizing content into folders and sub-folders. In ArcGIS Enterprise we use multiple levels of Categories to Filter in a similar, folder like, fashion.

    I noticed that the ‘Filters’ list provided within Webs ‘Add Layer’ widget had almost identical categories as ArcGIS Enterprise’s ‘Filters’ list, with a few exceptions, notably the ‘Categories’ filter. My hope in asking was that it might be an easy addition to enable. If nothing else, I have an answer for users who have been asking.

  • Cam Barnard

    Interesting, that categories stuff is quite recent, I'll have to have a closer look.
