Registering a subdomain on apps.vertigisstudio.com allows you to use the VertiGIS-managed SaaS environment together with your on-premises Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Portal installation.
Once your subdomain is registered you will access VertiGIS-managed SaaS products from https://yoursubdomain.apps.vertigisstudio.com which will use your on-premises Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Portal for sign-in.
This usage pattern has all the advantages of using a continuously up-to-date VertiGIS-managed SaaS environment while keeping all your data on-premises.
- All application and capability configuration data lives in your on-premises Esri ArcGIS Portal.
- Your on-premises Esri ArcGIS Portal does not need to be accessible to the Internet.
- Your on-premises Esri map services do not need to be accessible to the Internet.
How is this possible?
VertiGIS Studio Web and the VertiGIS Studio Designers are SaaS hosted as static content. When you are at your desk and you open a VertiGIS-managed SaaS product the content is delivered from the Internet to your local machine and the application starts in your web browser. From this point forward everything is running on your local machine which has access to your intranet resources that are not externally accessible. This means that your organizational data is never sent to our servers.
This usage pattern currently supports:
VertiGIS Studio Inline
VertiGIS Studio Item Manager
VertiGIS Studio Mobile Designer
VertiGIS Studio Web
VertiGIS Studio Web Designer
VertiGIS Studio Workflow Designer
Please note: this usage pattern does not support VertiGIS Studio Printing or VertiGIS Studio Reporting.
Contact vertigisstudio-support@vertigis.com to request a subdomain and provide the following information:
Short name for your subdomain
Portal URL (must use HTTPS)
App ID
Short Name for your Subdomain
The short name consists of
ASCII letters [a-z], digits [0-9] and hyphen [-]
2 to 16 characters
A recognizable, unique identifier that matches your organizational identity
We do not guarantee your short name choice. We suggest you send us your first, second, and third choice to ensure less back-and-forth if your first choice is unavailable.
Portal URL
The URL to your on-premises Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.
Your URL must be HTTPS secured, we cannot re-direct to unsecured URLs.
App ID from your Esri ArcGIS Portal
If you need guidance in creating an app in your Esri ArcGIS Portal, registering it, allowing redirect URLs, or in locating the application ID please consult the VertiGIS Studio product documentation.
- Documentation for VertiGIS Studio Item Manager under
"Configure Item Manager for use in Portal for ArcGIS" -
Documentation for VertiGIS Studio Workflow under
“Create an Application item for Geocortex Workflow” -
Documentation for VertiGIS Studio Web under
“To register Web with your Esri portal” -
Documentation for VertiGIS Studio Mobile under
“To register VertiGIS Studio Mobile Designer with your portal”
Note that when following these instructions your subdomain URL (https://yoursubdomain.apps.vertigisstudio.com) must be added as an allowed redirect of the app.
If you supply a first, second, and third choice for your short name, you may wish to add all three possibilities as redirect URLs. If you have previous redirect entries for apps.geocortex.com, we suggest you leave those in place and add new entries for apps.vertigisstudio.com
Note that some of the linked instructions mention using sharing settings to control who is allowed to access the designer. With a subdomain, all users in your Portal with item-creation privileges will be granted access to the designer regardless of the sharing settings.
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