--> The following table shows the actual transition status of WebOffice features towards VertiGIS Studio:
How to read the Feature Availabilty
NA |
The feature will not be implemented. The requirements it addressed can now be satisfied differently or are not in the scope of VertIGIS Studio, today. |
A feature that satisfies the requirement addressed by the listed WebOffice feature has not yet been released. The status says nothing about the degree of completion. It refers to the current availability of the feature. |
A feature that satisfies the requirement addressed by the listed WebOffice feature has been partially released. With that functionality available the use cases can be addressed to a certain extent. |
A feature that satisfies the requirement addressed by the listed WebOffice feature has been released and all use cases in scope of VertiGIS Studio can be addressed. |
1. Interface
Category | WebOffice Feature | VertiGIS Studio Component | Feature Availabilty |
Application Framework | Display a landing page of all configured apps | VertiGIS Studio Web | NA |
Bookmarks | Admin and user defined bookmarks | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Snapping | Vertex and edge snapping | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Snapping | Select snappable layers | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Snapping | Snap for draw, select, edit, and measure tools | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | Magnify tool overlaying a map area to show a larger scale | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | Neighbor search - find neighboring objects near a selected object | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | Dynamic and interactive overview map | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | North arrow | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | Dynamic, multi-unit scalebar | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | Copyright text | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
GIS Tools & Map Elements | Configurable list of contextual actions from a right-click option on the map | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Internationalization | Multiple language support for user facing applications | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Internationalization | Extension for internationalization of GIS metadata (layers, fields, etc) | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Internationalization | Numeric and date elements respect cultural settings | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Internationalization | Right-to-left (RTL) support | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Layer List / TOC | Toggle map service and layer visibility | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Layer List / TOC - advanced | Control map service and layer transparency, Zoom to layer scale / layer extent | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Layer List / TOC - advanced | Reorder layers including user added layers | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Layer List / TOC - advanced | Filter function to locate layer of interest | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Layer List / TOC - advanced | Organize and group multiple services/layers into groups | VertiGIS Studio Web | NA |
Legend | Separate map legend control including WMS and WMTS legend display | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Online Help System | Web-based help content available to the end-user | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Single feature details | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Nested and grouped results list | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Tabbed results table/grid view with sorting, filtering, etc. | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Pop-ups | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Feature selection actions (e.g. zoom, highlight, pan) on single and multiple selected sets | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Statistic functions on numeric fields in results collections | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Embedded hyperlinks in attribute display (e.g. email, phone, URL) | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Saving selected sets | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Display and navigate 1-1 and 1-many related records | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Configurable formatting for display of numeric and date data | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Configurable field order, and field aliasing | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Resolution of coded value domains and subtypes | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Results Display | Export result collection to Excel (XLSX or CSV) | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Routing | Integrate with ArcGIS Online routing service | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Toolbar | Tabbed toolbar organization | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Toolbar | Compact toolbar organization | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Toolbar | Active tool states and configurable "sticky" tool behavior | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Toolbar | Context-sensitive toolbars that display when certain tools are active | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
User Profile | Saved user settings such as drawing symbol types, favorite tools, etc. | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
User Projects (saved sessions state) | Save feature selections | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
User Projects (saved sessions state) | Save graphics / markup / drawings / map extent / map service visibility & transparency, Save layer visibility, user uploaded data, user added ArcGIS service data | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
User Projects (saved sessions state) | Share projects with URL | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
User Projects (saved sessions state) | Open previously saved projects | VertiGIS Studio Web |
2. Maps, Layers and Services
Category | WebOffice Feature | VertiGIS Studio Component | Feature Availabilty |
ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise Portal Integration | Support for web map specification | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Attachments | Read and display geodatabase attachments | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Display - Advanced | Override service-defined scale levels in layer presets (map views) | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Display - Advanced | Auto-refresh layers on configured intervals | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Display - Advanced | Map overlay, enabling an alternative map window on top of the main map | VertiGIS Studio Web | NA |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | OGC WMS - visualization & identify | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | OGC WFS(-T) - visualization, identify, query, edit | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | OGC WMTS visualization | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS map service dynamic layer, group layer, tiled layer, raster layer, table | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS map service dynamic layer - editing, time-awareness, raster identify, height info raster layer | VertiGIS Studio Web | NA |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS feature service - visualization, edit, time-awareness, table | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS vector tile layers | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS raster catalog | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS image server layers | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS route event layers - visualization, identify m values, query m values | VertiGIS Studio Web, VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | Bing Maps | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Map Service & Layer Type Support | ArcGIS Layers in Web Maps - CSV layers, KML layers, Open Street Map, Generic web tile layer | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Thematic Mapping | Dynamically symbolize a layer from pre-defined layer styles or by constructing new layer styles | VertiGIS Studio Web and VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Thematic Mapping | Configurable clustering of features and expand clusters on-click | VertiGIS Studio Web |
3. Tools
Category | WebOffice Feature | VertiGIS Studio Component | Feature Availabilty |
Add Web Layers to Map | Add preconfigured ArcGIS or WMS layers to the TOC. Honor layer visibility options (visible, order, tranparency) from definition in layer item. | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Add Web Layers to Map | Add ArcGIS or WMS layers to the TOC by providing a URL. | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Add Web Layers to Map | Predefine functionality of added layers (identify, search) | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Basemaps | Toggle and switch basemaps, custom thumbnails support, basemaps with multiple layers, metadata links | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Buffer | Buffer existing or hand-drawn feature geometry | VertiGIS Studio Web, VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Callouts and Labelling | Ad-hoc labeling of features with rich text, coordinates and attribute values | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Callouts and Labelling | Generation of leader lines and callouts, predefined callout profiles, support for related datasets | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Coordinate Tools | Coordinate display | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Coordinate Tools | Label coordinates on map by text entry, reproject and use multiple coordinate systems as well as their transformations | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Drawing | Points, lines, and polygon and text markup with rich styling options | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Drawing | Symbol gallery for points | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Export | Export spatial data to a variety of output formats | Product not defined yet | |
Feature Editing | Creation of single feature in feature classes (point, line, polygon) | VertiGIS Studio Worfklow | |
Feature Editing | Editing of fields on single feature in feature classes (point, line, polygon) | VertiGIS Studio Worfklow | |
Feature Editing | Editing of geometry single feature in feature classes (point, line, polygon) | VertiGIS Studio Worfklow | |
Feature Editing | Geometry to feature copy | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Feature Editing | Geolocation to point feature creation | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Feature Editing | Support for Esri coded domains | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Feature Editing | Support for Esri related tables | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Editing | Support for feature attachments | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Editing | Multi-part editing (build, explode, cut, edit, merge) | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Editing | Union and cut editing functions | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Editing | Support ArcGIS edit templates | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Feature Editing | COGO construction capabilities (alignment, intersection, distance, angle) | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Feature Editing | Batch creation of point features via CSV upload | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Geolocation | Display user's device geolocation and precision on the map | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Geolocation | Ongoing follow user device position center map to user | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Geoprocessing | Integration with geoprocessing services | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Index Search | Full text search on indexed layers configured seperately including capabilities like: suggestions, ranking, synonyms and phonetic search terms, scheduling, ... | VertiGIS Studio Search | |
Map Export | Export map image with all user-added graphics, Email exported map | VertiGIS Studio Workflow, VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Map Export | Support images exported to GeoTIFF | product not defined yet | |
Map Views | Pre-configured groupings/sets of layers togglable by end-user, update TOC to reflect active map view, hide layers in TOC | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Measurement | Measure distance, area, adjust measuerment geometries on map, labels for segments, total distance, total area, user controlled line type, fill, transparency | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Measurement | Control measure labels (only, segments, only totals, size,…), arrows as line end markers, 3D measurement, change or create measure by construction | VertiGIS Studio Web, VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Navigation | Zoom, pan, initial extent, previous extent, next extent functionality, Scale selection, Map rotation | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Printing | Generate printable map outputs from the current map view in a variety of formats | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Select print template, resolution, scale or extent | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Support client-side graphics | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Support map rotation | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Include cartographic elements (scalebar, north arrow, coordinate system, etc.) | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Support multiple overview/reference maps | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Support user contributed text parameters | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | High resolution and large formats | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Dynamic, filtered legend | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Printing | Print map series/map book using intuitive UI controls to select multiple map areas | VertiGIS Studio Printing | |
Query / Search | Spatial feature selection (all shapes) | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Identify raster cell values on imagery layers | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Query/expression builder | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Hierarchical search | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Query / Search | Filter data on map to search results | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | List of administrator & user pre-defined expressions for querying and filtering | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Geocode & reverse geocode | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Search non-spatial tables | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Coordinate search | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Query / Search | Linear reference search | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Query / Search | Map tips/pop-ups which drill through layers and dynamic content | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Reporting | Generate printable reports with spatial data and non-spatial data | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Reporting | Choose from report templates associated with feature selections | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Reporting | Include spatial attributes, non-spatial data, charts, and feature map images | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Reporting | Configurable layouts with high detail precision | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Reporting | Connect to RDMBS and join data with spatial attributes | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Reporting | Support user-supplied content | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Reporting | Support scripting and automation | VertiGIS Studio Reporting | |
Time Awareness | Visualization of time-aware layers and image services | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Time Awareness | Interactive timeslider affecting individual layers or groups of layers | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Upload Geotagged Images | Upload geotagged images, they are represented on map | VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Upload Local Data | Upload GIS vector and tabular data (.SHP, .CSV, .XLSX, .GPX) | VertiGIS Studio Web and VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
Upload Local Data | Upload AutoCAD drawings | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Upload Local Data | User can specify behavior and style settings for new, uploaded layers | VertiGIS Studio Web |
4. Extension and Integration
Category | WebOffice Feature | VertiGIS Studio Component | Feature Availabilty |
Authorization - access control | Control access to map services, map layers within services, specific features (via filters), data export functions, reports, print templates, individual tools (draw, measure, etc.), data via spatial extents | VertiGIS Studio Access Control, VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Extensibility | Add custom tools and buttons | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Extensibility | Configure links to custom URLs | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Extensibility | Add custom components | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Extensibility | Documented SDK and API reference | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Identity - Authentication | Applications may require authentication, User can sign in and sign out of authenticated app, Active Directory, LDAP, IWA, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Portal identity providers, Anonymous users, Single sign-on scenarios, Support for display of user information, and logout features | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Identity - Authentication | Proprietary WebOffice identity provider | VertiGIS Studio Web | NA |
Linked Map Integration | Designated region for embedding 3rd party maps | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Linked Map Integration | Bi-directional communication between main map and linked map | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Linked Map Integration | Support for linked Google Street View | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Linked Map Integration | Support for linked ArcGIS web scenes | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
Metadata | Integrate metadata catalog records from CS-W | VertiGIS Studio Web, VertiGIS Studio Workflow | |
System Integration | Invoke viewer application logic from URL parameters | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
System Integration | Dynamically generate URL links using feature attribute information | VertiGIS Studio Web | |
System Integration | JavaScript bridge for real time, bidirectional communication between apps | VertiGIS Studio Web |
Additional Information:
All listed WebOffice features have been matched with the available VertiGIS Studio functionalities at a certain point of time of the respective available versions – the table will be updated frequently.
This evaluation was done to the best of our knowledge and belief, but errors in the evaluation cannot be excluded. There is also no claim on completeness of the listing. The table is intended to help WebOffice customers to make an initial assessment of which of the currently used WebOffice functions can be mapped with VertiGIS Studio. This list does not imply any claim that individual functions will be transferred in the same way as the WebOffice function. We reserve the right to re-evaluate the mapping of individual functions in VertiGIS Studio or, if necessary, not to implement them at all.
The list of implemented functions is by no means to be understood as a complete list. VertiGIS Studio has numerous functionalities beyond those described here.
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