If a custom identity has been configured for the Essentials application pool (for example, to connect to Windows-secured ArcGIS Services), it may be necessary to set the file permissions for the various files that Essentials uses so that it can load configuration files and save logs and projects.
After changing the new identity for the Application pool, run the "Post installation configuration" program for Essentials. You don't need to go over the whole wizard, just run it and click "Finish" on the first screen. The "post installer" will pick the changes made to the application pool and assign the required file system permissions.
It is not required to manually set the permissions on the filesystem.
Detailed file system permissions that are required by Geocortex Essentials
There are two application pool identities running Essentials: one runs the REST application (EssentialsAppPool4) and the other one runs the Manager (EssentialsAdministrationAppPool4). The identities running the application pools will need read access to the application's folder and write access to any locations where output will be made - log folders, scratch folders for saving projects or PDFs, etc.
In the following list, <GE_HOME> refers to the folding containing "REST Elements", for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Latitude Geographics\Geocortex Essentials\Default\REST Elements
For the "EssentialsAppPool4" application pool identity:
READ access to:
- The application's root path:
- The sites directory:
- <GE_HOME>\Sites
WRITE access to:
- The log file path:
- <GE_HOME>\REST\App_Data\Logs
- The site cache folder:
- <GE_HOME>\REST\App_Data\SiteCache
- The application's temp folder:
- <GE_HOME>\REST\App_Data\Temp
- The print jobs folder:
- <GE_HOME>\Print Jobs
- The projects folder:
- <GE_HOME>\Sites\Projects
- The Templates folder:
- <GE_HOME>\Sites\Templates
- The Templates temporary files folder:
- <GE_HOME>\Sites\Templates\Temp
- The system temp path
- %WINDIR%\temp
For the EssentialsAdministrationAppPool4 application pool identity:
READ access to the manager application's root path:
- <GE_HOME>\Manager
WRITE access to:
- The manager log file path:
- <GE_HOME>\Manager\App_Data\Logs
- Manager temp files:
- <GE_HOME>\Manager\App_Data\Logs\Temp
- Essentials Sites:
- <GE_HOME>\Sites
- The system temp path
- %WINDIR%\temp
Note: If you are using the application pool identity, the proper way to refer to it when manually assigning filesystem permissions is:
IIS APPPOOL\EssentialsAppPool4
IIS APPPOOL\EssentialsAdministrationAppPool4
If you are using the network service, the Identity will be the computer identity:
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